Tuesday, November 22, 2005

lets get someting up here. hopefully animated GIFs work. this was what I did monday at my internship as they had nothing for me to do I started trying to copy the animator's style, which is quite loose, and got carried away with my own stuff.

Then here is an hour spent playing in photoshop.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Finally animating

here is the best of my first animation for my film so far.

I have not animated, solidly, in about 6 months, so it is a little rough getting back into it, but I love it. here is the best of what I've done so far. already I want to redo it. just wait till I've been animating for another 8 weeks and see this.

now to figure out how to post pictures and clips

Friday, October 28, 2005

number one

first post. at my internship and should be designing printable iron on teeshirt designs for kidzbop. Then off to draw naked people during my lunch break at the studio across the street.