Saturday, March 25, 2017

The attempts of March

Smaller size, about 6x4 inches, from a photo:

Vine charcoal practice on newsprint:

The final drawn from a photo.  This had several versions and a spectacularly failed first attempt over several days.  Still copying what I see and working at getting comfortable with the materials.  9x12 grey toned strathmore paper.  Cine charcoal underdrawing with charcaol pencil darks and nu-pastel hi-lights.  Next time would not outline shadows of hair with dark line and would simplify the shapes.  Although true to the reference, would reduce width of the back and re-compose the image for more head room.

Below is the series of attempts/studies to get to the above.
First failed attempt.  What HAPPENED HERE!?:

Back to planning and studies:
Quick mid week practice from photo:
Practicing some Reily abstraction:
Attempt at Fowkes stlye portrait from a photo  Following the process, trying to simplify, and still feel like I'm just making it up as we go along.  Made some improvements with parts of it, but as a whole, this is confusing, unclear and unbalanced:
The planning and studies done first:

One of our co-workers had started up a weekend figure drawing session on the weekends at the local community college.  The below is a longer pose at the end of a live sessons on 18x14 toned grey paper, blue carb-othello pencil with nu-pastel hi-lights.  Drawing from a live model is WAY harder then from photos.  The journey continues.